Friday, April 25, 2014

Holy Week

This week during Holy Week we went to my Gramma's house.  We went to a whole new church to experience Holy Week.  On Palm Sunday, we went to see our Aunt and went to a church in Columbus named St. Matthew.  At St. Matthew's, the church was really big and there was a lot of woodwork, especially on the altar.  When we walked up to the church doors, everyone was standing outside.  We processed into the church holding our palms. 
What was cool was that when we read the gospel, we couldn't see the priest so it sounded truly like God, but that was only because we were in the back row!

On Good Friday, we made a special Good Friday lunch that related to the scriptures.  Zebedee (my dad), read each part of the story while my mom fixed the plates.  My favorite was the olives, because I love them.  The olives represented the Garden scene where Jesus is arrested at the Mount of Olives.  We also had little crown of thorns with ritz crackers, peanut butter, and broken pretzels for the thorns.  Mom said she got the idea from which is one of our favorite spots to check out cool crafts.

Crown of thorns from the Good Friday lunch

This Easter we decided to do something new.  Instead of the Easter bunny giving presents to us, Guadalupe wrote a letter the Easter bunny telling him that since we already know and love Jesus, that he should give our Easter baskets to other kids who don't know about Jesus.  Sebastian didn't like that though, so mom and dad decided to get us some presents instead.  Our favorite present was duct tape.  After the Easter party, I went up into the room I was sleeping in and made duct tape book marks.  I will show you a tutorial later.

Hope you have a blessed Easter Season-Alleluia!


Kateri excited about the Easter Egg hunt at Gramma's

Mini-Francis inspecting her find

Guadalupe carefully checking the contents of the eggs

Sebastian was thrilled to find these Binoculars with digital camera

Claire showing off Easter Egg contents

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