Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Cincinnati Ballet Company Field Trip, April 3, 2014

Cincinnati Ballet Company Field Trip, April 3, 2014

Guadalupe's Review:
I really really really really really liked the performance a lot, a really lot!
And I learned that they can stand still on their tippy-toes with shoes because there is something flat on the top, so they are real good at ballet.  

Sebastian Says:
Today at the Cincinnati Ballet, I learned that boy's shoes are much less expensive than girl's shoes and they last much longer.  Girls shoes last 45 minutes to 3 days at most.  And they cost about $100 each.  Boys shoes only cost $20 and they last for 3-6 months.  

I also learned that there are different levels of ballet.  You have to go up a level at least once a year or you're done.  We saw a 25 minute rehearsal.  I thought that was cool because most people don't get to see their practices.  

Claire's Review:
Today when I went to the Cincinnati Ballet Center, I was really amazed.  When we went to wardrobe the costumes were so beautiful.  And Cincinnati Ballet is one of the only companies that hand make their costumes.  Some of the costumes are rented to other businesses.  Some of the costumes are over 35 years old.  They are custom fitted to each ballerina, which sometimes means they have to alter them between performances. 

When I grow up, I would like to work for the Cincinnati Ballet. They do a lot of classics, like Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella, so I would know a few.  

Mom's Thoughts:
What a fun field trip to the Cincinnati Ballet Company.  The kids keep calling it Ballet with a hard "T".  It's cracking me up.  The whole organization was wonderful to all of us as we invaded their work day.  The kids even got to meet the Artistic Director who is one of the few women who manage a company over $7 million dollars.  She walked around on her phone with her little dog in tow.  She is a great example of hard work paying off as she gets to make so many of the decisions behind the theater including which shows they will perform.  

We got to watch a rehearsal for a contemporary ballet "Over the Rhine".  It was fun to watch a different type of movement other than what we typically think of ballet.  Mini-Francis made herself known in the performance as she yelled out to the cast members while they were dancing.  She was meet with smiles all around.  I am sure that once in awhile they welcome the distraction.  The dancers practice from 9 am until about 6:15 pm with one hour for lunch and a 5 minute break each hour. 

I sure wish motherhood allowed for a break every hour :)

For more information on the show-here's the link.

Here are some pictures from the field trip:

Girls watching the performance

Sebastian had the most questions of all 30 kids on the field trip. We got to ask questions to twin ballerinas who were also homeschooled!

Mini-Francis interrupting the show

Claire as the choreographer and Sebastian as the Master (made sure the dancers did what the choreographers said)

They gave each family a pair of "dead" shoes as a souvenir. Each shoe was signed by the dancer.

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