Saturday, March 29, 2014


Today is the second month that we have had a bank account.  My mom is trying to teach us about earning money, called interest, by keeping our money in the bank.  We opened a savings account with our savings money from our allowance.  So far I haven't earned any interest on my savings account, but did earn some on my college account that my mom and dad started for me.  

We are going to the bank again today to put more money in our savings and college accounts.  I can't wait to find out if I earned any more interest.  I am kinda feeling weird about going to the bank because I have no idea why.  

My mom makes me split my allowance money because I don't want to put it all in savings and have no money for college and then be 17 and be like, what do I do or how do I get more money.  So she wants me to save up money so I don't do that.  

I earn a $1 for each year of age that I am, every two weeks.  She says that is because she and daddy don't get paid every week, so we don't get paid every week.  I have to do lots of chores to earn my money like doing the dishwasher.  And cleaning the basement.  And putting away books. 

Well, we are off to the bank. 



  1. Sebastian,

    Keep earning and saving money! These are good habits! I realize that your blog was about banking, but I'd like to know what you spend your "fun" money on. Maybe in another blog?


    1. Well, I go to my Gramma's house every year in the summer so I'm saving to do fun stuff like going to the movies and Chuck-E-Cheese.

