This school year has been an awesome so far. Claire joined a homeschool co-op near our house, where she is taking Geography, Science, Writing, Bible Timeline and History.
My history class is called American and World History Book Club, and we are learning about the Civil War through literature books. We just finished the book Across Five Aprils by Irene Hunt. It is a coming of age story for a nine year old boy named Jethro. He was directly affected by the war because he had to become the man of the house when his father got sick and his brothers were off to war. He had to grow up quickly to learn to run the farm by himself. I enjoyed the book even though the beginning was tough to get into. After a few chapters I really got into the story because sometimes if my mom gets a cold or something, I also have to step up and help out with my siblings and sometimes make dinner.
My goal for the school year is to blog more often about the fun stuff we do.
Pretty much it's been a great school year. There have been a few bumps on the way, but mostly it has been good. I started taking Spanish this year. I am using the program Spanish With Grace. I like this program because it has a CD that tells you exactly what to do and sounds out the words for me. It also has conversation books that I can read and songs and some Catholic prayers in Spanish.
My goal for the school year is to speak as much Spanish as I can and learn more Science.
I really didn't want school to start because I had just gotten back from staying with my Aunt for a few weeks. We didn't have all of our books yet, so I felt panicked. My mom started us slow, and each week added a little more work for us. Now we are 6 weeks in and it's not so bad.
I celebrated my birthday this week and it was fun. I received a bunch of books. I am most looking forward to reading the Frank Einstein series. It is about a boy who builds robots and uses science to build new inventions. The first book is called Frank Einstein and the Antimatter Motor.
My goal for the school year is finish the Infinity Ring book series.
This year is my first year of homeschooling. I mostly think that means I get to play all day long. Sometimes my mom makes me do things that have to do with reading and the alphabet. I like to paint and and color and I have a big collection of drawings that I carry around with me. I am going to school on Fridays and I really like playing with my friends. Gymnastics is my favorite class each week.
My goal for the year is to learn to read (ok that is my parents goal) so mine is to have as much fun as I can.
My goal is to make big messes with the blocks and to distract my siblings as much as I can with my silliness. Oh and to watch as much Daniel Tiger as my mom will let me!
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