Friday, October 31, 2014

Teal Pumpkin Project

This year we came across an article about painting a teal pumpkin for those who have allergies to know there is a non-food option for trick or treaters.  Three of our five beautiful children suffer with various food issues that have made trick or treating a challenging event.  As a child, my favorite part of Halloween was dumping my candy on the floor and trading with my sisters for the candy I liked the most.  Visions of Reese's and Tootsie Pops still dance in my head.  But I, like my children, have become afflicted with a food allergy that keeps me from many of the delicious treats enjoyed by most.  As an adult, I am okay with this affliction now, and can work around it when I have a sweet craving.  But for my 6 and 4 year olds who struggle to be like the other kids, this is not so easy.  Many a day have ended in tears as I had to tell them the food wasn't safe for their little bodies.  It's a hard sacrifice when those brownies or slice of pizza look so good.  They usually get over it pretty fast, but the sacrifice is not lost on me.  

This year, we have embraced this idea of the teal pumpkin.  If you see one on the front porch of a house, that means they have special non-food items for trick-or-treaters who have allergies.  We had a great time going to the store to buy some non-food items like bubbles, coloring books, whistles and the like.  
As a parent, I am super excited at the idea that my girls get to walk around the block and be "normal" kids for a night even if it means they get bubbles instead of tootsie rolls.  To all parents who have painted teal pumpkins-thank you.  Thank you for offering my girls a night of no tears and excitement about what's in their bag.  I can't wait to watch them dump their bags and share safe items.  To all those who don't know about the Teal Pumpkin for Allergies-keep your eyes out this year.  We may be few and far between, but we are out there.  And hopefully as the years go by, more families will be purchasing teal paint! 


Kateri paints as Claire looks on.

Guadalupe smiles as she paints our Teal Pumpkin

Mini-Francis gets in on the painting action too.

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