So he went and washed his eyes in the river, afterwards he went to the Pharisees and said "I can see". The Pharisees asked how can you see? And he said," a man spit in the dirt and made clay and he told me to wash it away. When I did this, I could see." Now,the Pharisees were confused,so they went to his parents and asked him if he was born blind, how can he see. They didn't know.
So the Pharisee threw the man out of the synagogue, When Jesus heard that he went to the man and said "do you believe in the Son of Man?" the man asked who is this you speak of? and Jesus said it is I you speak of i am the Son of Man. The man then believed.
I thought the gospel was really interesting in how long it was. Most gospels are really short. It was interesting how just spitting in the dirt makes clay and he was able to heal a blind man. Like some people can take a blanket and build a shelter out of it. God provided them with a blanket so they could make shelter. He couldn't instruct them how to, but they were able to make it. God uses everyday things to help us in our lives like the shamrock. St. Patrick told us that the shamrock is like the trinity, God is three people in one. We see shamrocks everyday, and they are very ordinary, but they remind us to look to God.
What do you see in your everyday life that reminds you of God? Please comment down below.
Bye for now.
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