Sunday, March 30, 2014
Meet the Monsters
The Meet the Monsters page, linked at the top has been updated with short descriptions of each of us. Check it out to learn more about each of us.
Giggling Guadalupe Gallery
Guadalupe has posted some of her recent artwork on her new page, Giggling Guadalupe Gallery. Guadalupe really has a gift for creating beautiful works of art, so click the link at the top to see her latest.
Today's Gospel
If you went to church today, then you would know that the Gospel was really long. Today's gospel was a familiar gospel that some of you might know. Jesus spit into the dirt and put it on the blind man's eyes. He told him to go and wash it off in the pool of Siloam.
So he went and washed his eyes in the river, afterwards he went to the Pharisees and said "I can see". The Pharisees asked how can you see? And he said," a man spit in the dirt and made clay and he told me to wash it away. When I did this, I could see." Now,the Pharisees were confused,so they went to his parents and asked him if he was born blind, how can he see. They didn't know.
So the Pharisee threw the man out of the synagogue, When Jesus heard that he went to the man and said "do you believe in the Son of Man?" the man asked who is this you speak of? and Jesus said it is I you speak of i am the Son of Man. The man then believed.
I thought the gospel was really interesting in how long it was. Most gospels are really short. It was interesting how just spitting in the dirt makes clay and he was able to heal a blind man. Like some people can take a blanket and build a shelter out of it. God provided them with a blanket so they could make shelter. He couldn't instruct them how to, but they were able to make it. God uses everyday things to help us in our lives like the shamrock. St. Patrick told us that the shamrock is like the trinity, God is three people in one. We see shamrocks everyday, and they are very ordinary, but they remind us to look to God.
What do you see in your everyday life that reminds you of God? Please comment down below.
Bye for now.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Today is the second month that we have had a bank account. My mom is trying to teach us about earning money, called interest, by keeping our money in the bank. We opened a savings account with our savings money from our allowance. So far I haven't earned any interest on my savings account, but did earn some on my college account that my mom and dad started for me.
We are going to the bank again today to put more money in our savings and college accounts. I can't wait to find out if I earned any more interest. I am kinda feeling weird about going to the bank because I have no idea why.
My mom makes me split my allowance money because I don't want to put it all in savings and have no money for college and then be 17 and be like, what do I do or how do I get more money. So she wants me to save up money so I don't do that.
I earn a $1 for each year of age that I am, every two weeks. She says that is because she and daddy don't get paid every week, so we don't get paid every week. I have to do lots of chores to earn my money like doing the dishwasher. And cleaning the basement. And putting away books.
Well, we are off to the bank.
An Unfortunate Book Review
OH my gosh! I just finished reading Lemony Snickets A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning! Have you read it! I am going crazy because I just yelled at my mom (in a nice way) telling her we have to go get the second book!! She just laughed at me.
So, Violet Klaus and Sunny, the main characters, live in a mansion in the city. They sometimes go down to the beach to play. One day, while they were at the beach, the mansion caught fire and burned down. They had to go and live Count Olaf, their 3rd cousin 4 times removed or 4th cousin 3 times removed. No one knows for sure.
He treats them like slaves! He is an actor, and his play The Marvelous Wedding, is a trick so that he can actually marry someone. He is trying to get this persons money by tricking her in to marriage. All she has to do is say I Do and they are married.
Now if you really want to find out more about what happens you have to read the book because it is amazing! You will love it.
I am going to go and try to sweet talk my mom into letting me go to the library now! Happy Reading!
Homemade Natural Reeses Cups
Last week our dad sent us an email with a recipe for homemade Reeses cups. This is me and my dad's favorite candy. My mom and sisters can't have them from the store because they have milk in them. So the recipe he sent was perfect! Within a few minutes of getting the message my mom and I started to collect the ingredients to make them. It was super simple!! We had them ready to go in the freezer to harden within 5 minutes.
Later that night, we were able to eat them. I thought they were a little too "coconutty" for my taste, but they were good. My mom didn't like them very much since she doesn't like coconut. We decided we should remake them, this time using more peanut butter and less coconut. While they still had a coconut taste, it didn't overpower the peanut butter and chocolate. Here is our version of the recipe.
Homemade Natural Reeses Cups
By: Claire
3/4 cup Natural Peanut Butter
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup raw honey
1/4 c cocoa powder
Melt the peanut butter, coconut oil and honey in a small saucepan on low until smooth. Add in cocoa powder and turn off heat. Combine and pour in little mini muffin paper cups on a cookie sheet and freeze. Our batch made about 20.
We did a taste test with the original version and our remade version. Dad said they were both great, I liked my version best. Mommy and my siblings all mine the best too. It was a fun little experiment!
Meet Claire
Hi, my name is Claire. I'm 10 yrs. old and the oldest of 5 children. I love to read,write, and bake cookies. But the most important thing in my life is God. Sometimes when I bake cookies I forget to add an ingredient. The cookies taste bad and this reminds me that without the most important ingredient, God, my life would be less than it could be. I hope you will follow me on our new blog Little Monsters Facing the Monstrance, where I will share stories, recipes, and much much more. Good-bye and I hope to see you soon.
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